那long in the tooth是什么意思?long in the tooth释义to be old, often too old to do something“long in the tooth”的起源和马有关马。
“cut a tooth“是什么意思?cut a tooth of a baby 婴儿 出牙长出新牙 to grow a new toothThe baby's cutting a tooth宝宝正长牙呢。
1I'm going to fight tooth and nail for that promotion我要全力以赴这 那你知道Fishwife是什么意思吗?当歪果仁对你说“Eat your heart。
它的意思是“上了年纪”“Long in the tooth”这里的“牙”指的不是人的牙,而是马的牙熟悉马的人都知道,马的牙齿是随着年。
不好意思,你看起来有点忙呀,我不打扰你啦Can you please and a tooth for a tooth释义saying used to say that you。
与tooth相关的英语表达虽然tooth是“牙齿”意思,但在一些表达中却诠释着不一样的意境~fight tooth and nail释义to try very hard to。