She went to pieces at the funeral她在葬礼上崩溃了2 Roger thought he was no longer in love with Amanda, but when he saw her。
If you go to pieces, you are so upset or nervous that you lose control of yourself and cannot do what you should doWhatever happens。
pick up the pieces 的意思是“重整旗鼓力求恢复正常” 举个例子The fire was a blow, but we were determined to pick up the pieces。
Investment Pieces觉得挺有意思的,尤其是在当下不少设计师下岗,传奇百货公司破产,品牌权利洗牌,环保和可持续发展备受。
或者是事先了解有意思的艺术家个人,之后想着以什么样的方式将 信物PIECES是一个不同以往的尝试,是从一个展览的情境开始的。
本剧十分有意思的一点是每集中讲述四个小故事,四个片段结合在 可能这就是片名Life in pieces想表达的意义,生活中的点滴虽。
纵使Filling Pieces是个独立品牌,但是他们在制鞋方面有很多的经验,他们同样知道有什么是他们做不到的,我只是确保两个品牌都将。
fall to pieces to become emotionally upset今日练习句子And 不是有一个弱点的意思这一个小点,让你的口语大地道!这一行字。