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Please try again."); }; }; } }); }; /*本地文件上传添加按钮 结束*/ /* 右侧边栏网站收藏 */ const webList = document.querySelector(".webList"); const localList = document.querySelector(".localList"); const webLinks = [ { title: "智能翻译", src: "https://fanyi.baidu.com" }, { title: "哔哩哔哩", src: "https://www.bilibili.com" }, { title: "百度一下,你就知道", src: "https://www.baidu.com" }, { title: "菜鸟教程", src: "https://www.runoob.com/" }, { title: "Electron中文网", src: "https://www.electronjs.org/zh/docs/latest/" }, { title: "制作ico图标", src: "https://www.bitbug.net" }, { title: "Element组件", src: "https://element-plus.org/zh-CN/" }, { title: "原神大地图", src: "https://act.mihoyo.com/ys/app/interactive-map/index.html?bbs_presentation_style=no_header&lang=zh-cn&utm_source=bbs&utm_medium=mys&utm_campaign=pcicon&_markerFps=24#/map/2?shown_types=NaN,-1084,508,2¢er=2008.50,-1084.00&zoom=-3.00" }, { title: "vue.js", src: "https://cn.vuejs.org/" }, { title: "w3schools教程", src: "https://www.w3ccoo.com/" }, { title: "现代JS教程", src: "https://zh.javascript.info/" }, { title: "CSS3D字体", src: "https://www.dedexuexi.com/tool/3D/" }, { title: "MDN网络文档", src: "https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/" }, { title: "UI组件", src: "https://uiverse.io/switches" }, { title: "IconFont图标", src: "https://www.iconfont.cn/" }, { title: "vue图标", src: "https://vue-icons.kalimah-apps.com/" }, { title: "GitHub", src: "https://github.com" }, ]; const localLinks = [ { title: "myLogs备忘录", src: "file:///D:/web/备忘录/html备忘录/html/myLogs备忘录.html" }, { title: "简单的计算器", src: "file:///D:/web/备忘录/html备忘录/html/简单的计算器.html" }, { title: "html表格", src: "file:///D:/web/备忘录/html备忘录/html/html表格.html" }, { title: "js生成随机数", src: "file:///D:/web/备忘录/html备忘录/html/js生成随机数.html" }, { title: "html5代码账号密码备忘录样本", src: "file:///D:/web/备忘录/html备忘录/html/html5代码账号密码备忘录样本.html" }, { title: "特别的时钟特别的倒计时", src: "file:///D:/web/备忘录/html备忘录/html/特别的时钟特别的倒计时.html" }, { title: "查看key值页面", src: "file:///D:/web/备忘录/html备忘录/html/真/查看key值页面.html" }, ]; const createLink = (title, src) => { if (!title || !src) { console.error("链接缺少必要的属性"); return null; } const link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = src; link.target = "_blank"; link.innerText = title; return link; }; const createList = (list, parent) => { if (!parent) { console.error("父元素未找到"); return; } const ul = document.createElement("ul"); list.forEach((item) => { const link = createLink(item.title, item.src); if (link) { const li = document.createElement("li"); li.appendChild(link); ul.appendChild(li); } }); parent.appendChild(ul); }; createList(webLinks, webList); createList(localLinks, localList); /* 右侧边栏网站收藏 结束 */ /* 通用的拖动功能 */ /* 通用的拖动功能 */ const initDragAndDisplay = (hiddenElementId, dragElementId) => { const hiddenElement = document.querySelector(hiddenElementId); document.querySelector(dragElementId).addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => { const x = e.pageX - hiddenElement.offsetLeft; const y = e.pageY - hiddenElement.offsetTop; const move = (e) => { hiddenElement.style.left = e.pageX - x + "px"; hiddenElement.style.top = e.pageY - y + "px"; }; document.addEventListener("mousemove", move); document.addEventListener("mouseup", () => { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", move); }, { once: true }); }); }; /* 初始化所有的拖动按钮 */ const initAllDragsAndDisplays = () => { ["", "2", "3", "4"].forEach((num) => { initDragAndDisplay(`#myDialog${num}`, `#Drag${num}`); }); }; initAllDragsAndDisplays(); /* 4个拖动按钮的实现结束*/