uniapp 开屏视频 以及解决开屏视频播放前短暂白屏或黑屏的情况
uniapp 开屏视频 以及解决开屏视频播放前短暂白屏或黑屏的情况
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跳过 {{duration}} export default { data() { return { videoUrl: '', videoData: { videoAddress: '', addressSort: 0 }, duration: "", play: 0, videoContext: null, recommendFn: null } }, onLoad() { // 调用接口 获取 开屏视频 以及 占位图片 this.getSwiper() }, onShow() { // 每次计入页面都接着上次倒计时继续 if (!this.recommendFn && this.duration!=="") { this.recommendFn = setInterval(() => { if (this.duration >= 1) { this.duration = parseInt(this.duration) - 1 } else { clearInterval(this.recommendFn) this.recommendFn = null this.goIndex() } }, 1000) } }, onHide() { // 页面隐藏时 停止计时 clearInterval(this.recommendFn) this.recommendFn = null }, methods: { getSwiper() { let that = this // 获取 开屏视频 以及 占位图片 和 倒计时 // 更具自及的需要 也可直接写死 that.$uniApi.dataRequestNoLoading('get', `base/app/v1/commonVideo/list`).then(res => { // 视频url that.videoUrl = res.data[0].videoUrl // 图片url that.videoData.videoAddress = res.data[0].indexImgUrl // 倒计时 that.duration = res.data[0].videoDuration // 开始倒计时 if (!that.recommendFn) { that.recommendFn = setInterval(() => { if (that.duration >= 1) { that.duration = parseInt(that.duration) - 1 } else { clearInterval(that.recommendFn) that.recommendFn = null // 倒计时结束后 跳转页面 that.goIndex() } }, 1000) } that.videoEnd() }).catch(err => { }) }, loadedmetadata(e) { let that = this // 此处延时 就是为了解决白屏或黑屏的情况 setTimeout(() => { that.play = 1 }, 500) }, goIndex() { uni.switchTab({ url: '倒计时完成跳转到其他页面' }) }, onPlay() { let that = this // 此处延时 就是为了解决白屏或黑屏的情况 setTimeout(() => { that.play = 1 }, 500) }, videoEnd(e) { } } } .video { width: 100%; height: 100vh; } .btn { width: 170rpx; height: 54rpx; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); border-radius: 30rpx; border: 1rpx solid #FFFFFF; font-family: Source Han Sans SC, Source Han Sans SC; font-weight: 400; font-size: 26rpx; color: #222222; line-height: 30rpx; position: absolute; top: 240rpx; right: 22rpx; line-height: 54rpx; text-align: center; z-index: 10; }