React+TS前台项目实战(二十六)-- 高性能可配置Echarts图表组件封装

07-09 1568阅读


  • 前言
  • CommonChart组件
    • 1. 功能分析
    • 2. 代码+详细注释
    • 3. 使用到的全局hook代码
    • 4. 使用方式
    • 5. 效果展示
    • 总结


      Echarts图表在项目中经常用到,然而,重复编写初始化,更新,以及清除实例等动作对于开发人员来说是一种浪费时间和精力。因此,在这篇文章中,将封装一个 “高性能可配置Echarts组件” ,简化开发的工作流程,提高数据可视化的效率和质量。


      1. 功能分析


      (2)通过传入的 option 属性,配置图表的各种参数和样式

      (4)通过传入的 onClick 属性,处理图表元素的点击事件

      (5)通过传入的 notMerge 属性,控制是否合并图表配置

      (6)通过传入的 lazyUpdate 属性,控制是否懒渲染图表

      (7)通过传入的 style 属性,设置图表容器的样式

      (8)通过传入的 className 属性,自定义图表容器的额外类名


      (10)使用 usePrevious、useWindowResize 和 useEffect 等钩子来提高组件性能并避免不必要的渲染

      2. 代码+详细注释

      // @/components/Echarts/commom/index.tsx
      import { useRef, useEffect, CSSProperties } from "react";
      // 引入 Echarts 的各种图表组件和组件配置,后续备用
      import "echarts/lib/chart/line"; // 折线图
      import "echarts/lib/chart/bar"; // 柱状图
      import "echarts/lib/chart/pie"; // 饼图
      import "echarts/lib/chart/map"; // 地图
      import "echarts/lib/chart/scatter"; // 散点图
      import "echarts/lib/component/tooltip"; // 提示框组件
      import "echarts/lib/component/title"; // 标题组件
      import "echarts/lib/component/legend"; // 图例组件
      import "echarts/lib/component/markLine"; // 标线组件
      import "echarts/lib/component/dataZoom"; // 数据区域缩放组件
      import "echarts/lib/component/brush"; // 刷选组件
      // 引入 Echarts 的类型声明
      import * as echarts from "echarts";
      import { ECharts, EChartOption } from "echarts";
      // 引入自定义的钩子函数和公共函数
      import { useWindowResize, usePrevious } from "@/hooks";
      import { isDeepEqual } from "@/utils";
       * 公共 Echarts 业务灵巧组件,可在项目中重复使用
       * @param {Object} props - 组件属性
       * @param {EChartOption} props.option - Echarts 配置项
       * @param {Function} [props.onClick] - 点击事件处理函数
       * @param {boolean} [props.notMerge=false] - 是否不合并数据
       * @param {boolean} [props.lazyUpdate=false] - 是否懒渲染
       * @param {CSSProperties} [] - 组件样式
       * @param {string} [props.className] - 组件类名
       * @returns {JSX.Element} - React 组件
      type Props = {
        option: EChartOption;
        onClick?: (param: echarts.CallbackDataParams) => void;
        notMerge?: boolean;
        lazyUpdate?: boolean;
        style?: CSSProperties;
        className?: string;
      const CommonChart = (props: Props) => {
        // 解构属性,并设置默认值
        const {
          onClick, // 点击事件处理函数
          notMerge = false, // 是否不合并数据,默认为 false
          lazyUpdate = false, // 是否懒渲染,默认为 false
          style, // 组件样式
          className = "", // 组件类名,默认为空字符串
        } = props;
        // 创建 ref 来引用 div 元素,并初始化 chartInstanceRef 为 null
        const chartRef = useRef(null);
        const chartInstanceRef = useRef(null);
        // 使用 usePrevious 钩子函数来记录上一次的 option 和 onClick 值
        const prevOption = usePrevious(option);
        const prevClickEvent = usePrevious(onClick);
        useEffect(() => {
          // 定义一个变量来存储图表实例
          let chartInstance: ECharts | null = null;
          if (chartRef.current) {
            // 如果图表实例不存在,则初始化
            if (!chartInstanceRef.current) {
              const hasRenderInstance = echarts.getInstanceByDom(chartRef.current);
              if (hasRenderInstance) {
              chartInstanceRef.current = echarts.init(chartRef.current);
            // 暂存当前的图表实例
            chartInstance = chartInstanceRef.current;
            // 如果 option 或 onClick 值发生变化,则重新渲染
            try {
              if (!isDeepEqual(prevOption, option, ["formatter"])) {
                chartInstance.setOption(option, { notMerge, lazyUpdate });
              if (onClick && typeof onClick === "function" && onClick !== prevClickEvent) {
                chartInstance.on("click", onClick);
            } catch (error) {
              chartInstance && chartInstance.dispose();
        }, [option, onClick, notMerge, lazyUpdate, prevOption, prevClickEvent]);
        // 监听窗口大小变化,当窗口大小变化时,重新渲染图表
        useWindowResize(() => {
          if (chartInstanceRef.current) {
        return { }} className={className} ref={chartRef};
      export { CommonChart };

      3. 使用到的全局hook代码

      // @/utils/index
      // 深度判断两个对象某个属性的值是否相等
      export const isDeepEqual = (left: any, right: any, ignoredKeys?: string[]): boolean => {
        const equal = (a: any, b: any): boolean => {
          if (a === b) return true
          if (a && b && typeof a === 'object' && typeof b === 'object') {
            if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) return false
            let length
            let i
            if (Array.isArray(a)) {
              length = a.length
              if (length !== b.length) return false
              for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) {
                if (!equal(a[i], b[i])) return false
              return true
            if (a instanceof Map && b instanceof Map) {
              if (a.size !== b.size) return false
              for (i of a.entries()) {
                if (!b.has(i[0])) return false
              for (i of a.entries()) {
                if (!equal(i[1], b.get(i[0]))) return false
              return true
            if (a instanceof Set && b instanceof Set) {
              if (a.size !== b.size) return false
              for (i of a.entries()) if (!b.has(i[0])) return false
              return true
            if (a.constructor === RegExp) return a.source === b.source && a.flags === b.flags
            if (a.valueOf !== Object.prototype.valueOf) return a.valueOf() === b.valueOf()
            if (a.toString !== Object.prototype.toString) return a.toString() === b.toString()
            const keys = Object.keys(a)
            length = keys.length
            if (length !== Object.keys(b).length) return false
            for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) {
              if (!, keys[i])) return false
            for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) {
              const key = keys[i]
              if (key === '_owner' && a.$$typeof) {
                // React
              if (ignoredKeys && ignoredKeys.includes(key)) {
              if (!equal(a[key], b[key])) return false
            return true
          // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare
          return a !== a && b !== b
        return equal(left, right)
      // @/hooks/index.ts
       * Returns the value of the argument from the previous render
       * @param {T} value
       * @returns {T | undefined} previous value
       * @see
      export function usePrevious(value: T): T | undefined {
        const ref = useRef()
        useEffect(() => {
          ref.current = value
        }, [value])
        return ref.current
      export function useWindowResize(callback: (event: UIEvent) => void) {
        useEffect(() => {
          window.addEventListener('resize', callback)
          return () => window.removeEventListener('resize', callback)
        }, [callback])

      4. 使用方式

      // 引入组件和echarts
      import { CommonChart } from "@/components/Echarts/common";
      import echarts from "echarts/lib/echarts";
      // 使用
      const useOption = () => {
        return (data: any): echarts.EChartOption => {
          return {
            color: ["#ffffff"],
            title: {
              text: "图表y轴时间",
              textAlign: "left",
              textStyle: {
                color: "#ffffff",
                fontSize: 12,
                fontWeight: "lighter",
                fontFamily: "Lato",
            grid: {
              left: "2%",
              right: "3%",
              top: "15%",
              bottom: "2%",
              containLabel: true,
            xAxis: [
                axisLine: {
                  lineStyle: {
                    color: "#ffffff",
                    width: 1,
                data: any) => item.xTime),
                axisLabel: {
                  formatter: (value: string) => value,
                boundaryGap: false,
            yAxis: [
                position: "left",
                type: "value",
                scale: true,
                axisLine: {
                  lineStyle: {
                    color: "#ffffff",
                    width: 1,
                splitLine: {
                  lineStyle: {
                    color: "#ffffff",
                    width: 0.5,
                    opacity: 0.2,
                axisLabel: {
                  formatter: (value: string) => new BigNumber(value),
                boundaryGap: ["5%", "2%"],
                position: "right",
                type: "value",
                axisLine: {
                  lineStyle: {
                    color: "#ffffff",
                    width: 1,
            series: [
                name: t("block.hash_rate"),
                type: "line",
                yAxisIndex: 0,
                lineStyle: {
                  color: "#ffffff",
                  width: 1,
                symbol: "none",
                data: any) => new BigNumber(item.yValue).toNumber()),
      const echartData = [
        { xTime: "2020-01-01", yValue: "1500" },
        { xTime: "2020-01-02", yValue: "5220" },
        { xTime: "2020-01-03", yValue: "4000" },
        { xTime: "2020-01-04", yValue: "3500" },
        { xTime: "2020-01-05", yValue: "7800" },
      const parseOption = useOption();
      parseOption(echartData, true)}
          height: "180px",

      5. 效果展示

      React+TS前台项目实战(二十六)-- 高性能可配置Echarts图表组件封装




