uniapp 安卓使用live-pusher实现人脸识别(拍照)功能
import { homeMenuList, menuNameList } from '@/utils/homeListMap.js' import { getNewCount, getLastGroup } from "@/api/toChatWith.js" import { login, registeredUser, getUserInfo, listMenus } from '@/api/login.js'; export default { data() { return { imgData: '', pusher: null, scanWin: null, faceInitTimeout: null, snapshTimeout: null, uploadFileTask: null, faceNum: 0, loading: false, } }, mounted() { // 注意:需要在onReady中 或 onLoad 延时 this.pusher = uni.createLivePusherContext("livePusher", this); var that = this setTimeout(() => { this.startPreview() }) }, onUnload() { console.log('关闭') this.pusher && this.pusher.close({ success: (a) => { console.log("关闭"); } }) }, methods: { //获取快照 snapshotPusher() { var that = this this.pusher.snapshot({ success: (e) => { console.log(e.message, '拍照信息'); //获取图片base64 that.getMinImage(e.message.tempImagePath); }, }) }, // 开启摄像头 startPreview() { var that = this this.pusher.startPreview({ success: (a) => { console.log("livePusher.startPreview:" + JSON.stringify(a)); that.snapshotPusher() }, fail(err) { console.log(err); } }); }, //使用plus.zip.compressImage压缩图片 getMinImage(imgPath) { plus.zip.compressImage({ src: imgPath, dst: imgPath, overwrite: true, quality: 40 }, zipRes => { setTimeout(() => { var reader = new plus.io.FileReader(); reader.onloadend = res => { //获取图片base64 var speech = res.target.result; //base64图片 this.onLogin(speech) this.imgData = speech; }; //一定要使用plus.io.convertLocalFileSystemURL将target地址转换为本地文件地址,否则readAsDataURL会找不到文件 reader.readAsDataURL(plus.io.convertLocalFileSystemURL(zipRes.target)); }, 100); }, function(error) { console.log('Compress error!', error); } ); }, //调用登录接口 onLogin(val) { login({ "loginType": "faceLogin", "image": val.split(',')[1] }).then(async (res) => { console.log(res) if (res.code === '200' && res.data.clientUuid) { //识别成功 //写登录逻辑 } else { //超过五次识别未成功,则取消识别 this.faceNum += 1 if (this.faceNum >= 5) { uni.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '人员未登记!' }) setTimeout(() => { uni.navigateBack(); }, 2000) } else { this.snapshotPusher() } } }).catch(err => { console.log(err, '调用接口失败') }) }, }, } /*#ifndef APP-NVUE*/ page { background: #fff; } /*#endif*/ .u-navbar__content__left { display: flex !important; align-items: center; } .u_nav_slot { display: flex; align-items: center; flex-direction: row; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9); font-size: 14.4rpx; font-weight: 700; } .text { margin-left: 1rpx; color: #fff; font-size: 16rpx; } .box { z-index: 99; position: absolute; left: 35%; top: 25%; width: 250rpx; height: 250rpx; background: pink; } .info { color: #76adf1 !important; font-size: 26rpx; } .livePusher { width: 300px; height: 300px; } .livefater { display: flex; justify-content: center; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; margin-top: 10rpx; margin-bottom: 50rpx; height: 350px; overflow: hidden; } .gaiimg { width: 462px; height: 350px; position: absolute; top: 0; }请平视屏幕,并正对光源,将脸部移入圆圈内
使用该方法,cover-image无法直接覆盖在上层,可以使用如下,添加一个html文件覆盖在上层,注意在页面销毁的时候,需要将该html隐藏! this.scanWin.hide();
this.scanWin = plus.webview.create('/static/cover.html', '', { background: 'transparent', borderRaduis: '50%', }); // // //新引入的webView显示 this.scanWin.show();
拍照 正对屏幕,确保面不都在画面之内 import permission from '@/utils/permission.js' import { homeMenuList, menuNameList } from '@/utils/homeListMap.js' import { getNewCount, getLastGroup } from "@/api/toChatWith.js" import { login, registeredUser, getUserInfo, listMenus } from '@/api/login.js' export default { data() { return { imgData: '', pusher: null, scanWin: null, faceInitTimeout: null, snapshTimeout: null, uploadFileTask: null, intervalId: null, faceNum: 0, loading: false, }; }, methods: { //初始化 faceInit() { this.faceInitTimeout = setTimeout(async () => { this.pusherInit(); // 覆盖在视频之上的内容,根据实际情况编写 // 利用plus.webview.create将扫描框页面及扫描动画(xxx.html)覆盖在视频之上; this.scanWin = plus.webview.create('/static/cover.html', '', { background: 'transparent', borderRaduis: '50%', }); // // //新引入的webView显示 this.scanWin.show(); }, 1000); }, //初始化播放器 pusherInit() { // 获取当前窗口 const currentWebview = this.$mp.page.$getAppWebview(); // 创建推流,url不填写代表不上传 this.pusher = plus.video.createLivePusher('livepusher', { url: '', top: '15%', left: '10%', width: '250px', height: '250px', position: 'absolute', aspect: '9:16', muted: false, 'z-index': 999, }); // 将推流对象加到当前页面中 currentWebview.append(this.pusher); //反转摄像头 this.pusher.switchCamera(); //开始预览 this.pusher.preview(); setTimeout(() => { // this.snapshotPusher() }, 1000); }, //获取快照 snapshotPusher() { let that = this this.snapshTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.pusher.snapshot( e => { //拿到本地文件路径 var src = e.tempImagePath; console.log(src) //获取图片base64 this.getMinImage(src); }, function (e) { plus.nativeUI.alert('snapshot error: ' + JSON.stringify(e)); } ); }, 100); }, //使用plus.zip.compressImage压缩图片 getMinImage(imgPath) { plus.zip.compressImage({ src: imgPath, dst: imgPath, overwrite: true, quality: 40 }, zipRes => { setTimeout(() => { var reader = new plus.io.FileReader(); reader.onloadend = res => { //获取图片base64 var speech = res.target.result; //base64图片 this.onLogin(speech) this.imgData = speech; }; //一定要使用plus.io.convertLocalFileSystemURL将target地址转换为本地文件地址,否则readAsDataURL会找不到文件 reader.readAsDataURL(plus.io.convertLocalFileSystemURL(zipRes.target)); }, 100); }, function (error) { console.log('Compress error!', error); } ); }, //调用登录接口 onLogin(val) { login({ "loginType": "faceLogin", "image": val.split(',')[1] }).then(async (res) => { console.log(res) if (res.code === '200' && res.data.clientUuid) {//识别成功 //登录逻辑 } else {//超过五次识别未成功,则取消识别 this.faceNum += 1 this.snapshotPusher() if (this.faceNum >= 5) { clearInterval(this.intervalId) uni.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '人员未登记!' }) uni.navigateBack(); } } }) }, Error(message) { // 弹出错误提示 this.$refs.uNotify.show({ title: message, type: 'error', duration: '2000', }) }, handleMeus(list) { const menu = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(homeMenuList)) menuNameList.forEach(item => { menu[item].data = list[item] ? list[item] : [] }) console.log(menu, 'menu') this.$store.commit('SET_MENULIST', menu) } }, onLoad(option) { //#ifdef APP-PLUS this.faceInit(); //#endif }, onUnload() { console.log('hide') this.faceInitTimeout && clearTimeout(this.faceInitTimeout); this.snapshTimeout && clearTimeout(this.snapshTimeout); this.scanWin.hide(); }, }; .tips_text { margin-top: 320px; }
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