Qt 项目实战 | 俄罗斯方块
Qt 项目实战 | 俄罗斯方块
- Qt 项目实战 | 俄罗斯方块
- 游戏架构
- 实现游戏逻辑
- 游戏流程
- 实现基本游戏功能
- 设计小方块
- 设计方块组
- 添加游戏场景
- 添加主函数
- 测试
- 踩坑点1:rotate 失效
- 踩坑点2:items 方法报错
- 踩坑点3:setCodecForTr 失效
- 踩坑点4:不要在中文路径下运行 Qt 项目
- 踩坑点5:multiple definition of `qMain(int, char**)'
- 测试效果
- 游戏优化
- 添加满行销毁动画
- 添加游戏级别设置
- 添加游戏控制按钮和面板
- 踩坑点1:error: no matching function for call to 'QGraphicsTextItem::QGraphicsTextItem(int, QGraphicsScene*&)'
- 踩坑点2:error: no matching function for call to 'QGraphicsScene::items(int, int, int, int, Qt::ItemSelectionMode)'
- 添加背景音乐和音效
- 添加程序启动画面
- 运行效果
- 资源下载
参考书:《Qt 及 Qt Quick 开发实战精解》
Qt 项目实战 | 俄罗斯方块
开发环境:Qt Creator 4.6.2 Based on Qt 5.9.6
- OneBox 类:继承自 QGraphicsObject 类。表示小正方形,可以使用信号与槽机制和属性动画。
- BoxGroup 类:继承自 QObject 类和 QGraphicsItemGroup 类。表示游戏中的方块图形,可以使用信号与槽机制,实现了方块图形的创建、移动和碰撞检测。
- MyView 类:实现了游戏场景。
新建空的 Qt 项目,项目名 myGame。
myGame.pro 中新增代码:
QT += widgets TARGET = myGame
添加资源文件,名称为 myImages,添加图片:
新建 mybox.h,添加 OneBox 类的定义:
#ifndef MYBOX_H #define MYBOX_H #include #include // 小方块类 class OneBox : public QGraphicsObject { private: QColor brushColor; public: OneBox(const QColor& color = Qt::red); QRectF boundingRect() const; void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget); QPainterPath shape() const; }; #endif // MYBOX_H
新建 mybox.cpp,添加 OneBox 类的实现代码:
#include "mybox.h" #include OneBox::OneBox(const QColor& color) { brushColor = color; } QRectF OneBox::boundingRect() const { qreal penWidth = 1; return QRectF(-10 - penWidth / 2, -10 - penWidth / 2, 20 + penWidth, 20 + penWidth); } void OneBox::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget) { // 为小方块使用贴图 painter->drawPixmap(-10, -10, 20, 20, QPixmap(":/images/box.gif")); painter->setBrush(brushColor); QColor penColor = brushColor; // 将颜色的透明度降低 penColor.setAlpha(20); painter->setPen(penColor); painter->drawRect(-10, -10, 20, 20); } QPainterPath OneBox::shape() const { QPainterPath path; // 形状比边框矩形小 0.5 像素,这样方块组中的小方块才不会发生碰撞 path.addRect(-9.5, -9.5, 19, 19); return path; }
在 mybox.h 中添加头文件:
再添加 BoxGroup 类的定义:
// 方块组类 class BoxGroup : public QObject, public QGraphicsItemGroup { Q_OBJECT private: BoxShape currentShape; QTransform oldTransform; QTimer* timer; protected: void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event); public: enum BoxShape { IShape, JShape, LShape, OShape, SShape, TShape, ZShape, RandomShape }; BoxGroup(); QRectF boundingRect() const; bool isColliding(); void createBox(const QPointF& point = QPointF(0, 0), BoxShape shape = RandomShape); void clearBoxGroup(bool destroyBox = false); BoxShape getCurrentShape() { return currentShape; } signals: void needNewBox(); void gameFinished(); public slots: void moveOneStep(); void startTimer(int interval); void stopTimer(); };
到 mybox.cpp 中添加头文件:
#include #include
添加 BoxGroup 类的实现代码:
// 方块组类 void BoxGroup::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Down: moveBy(0, 20); if (isColliding()) { moveBy(0, -20); // 将小方块从方块组中移除到场景中 clearBoxGroup(); // 需要显示新的方块 emit needNewBox(); } break; case Qt::Key_Left: moveBy(-20, 0); if (isColliding()) moveBy(20, 0); break; case Qt::Key_Right: moveBy(20, 0); if (isColliding()) moveBy(-20, 0); break; case Qt::Key_Up: rotate(90); if (isColliding()) rotate(-90); break; // 空格键实现坠落 case Qt::Key_Space: moveBy(0, 20); while (!isColliding()) { moveBy(0, 20); } moveBy(0, -20); clearBoxGroup(); emit needNewBox(); break; } } BoxGroup::BoxGroup() { setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable); // 保存变换矩阵,当 BoxGroup 进行旋转后,可以使用它来进行恢复 oldTransform = transform(); timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(moveOneStep())); currentShape = RandomShape; } QRectF BoxGroup::boundingRect() const { qreal penWidth = 1; return QRectF(-40 - penWidth / 2, -40 - penWidth / 2, 80 + penWidth, 80 + penWidth); } // 碰撞检测 bool BoxGroup::isColliding() { QList itemList = childItems(); QGraphicsItem* item; // 使用方块组中的每一个小方块来进行判断 foreach (item, itemList) { if (item->collidingItems().count() > 1) return true; } return false; } // 创建方块 void BoxGroup::createBox(const QPointF& point, BoxShape shape) { static const QColor colorTable[7] = { QColor(200, 0, 0, 100), QColor(255, 200, 0, 100), QColor(0, 0, 200, 100), QColor(0, 200, 0, 100), QColor(0, 200, 255, 100), QColor(200, 0, 255, 100), QColor(150, 100, 100, 100) }; int shapeID = shape; if (shape == RandomShape) { // 产生 0-6 之间的随机数 shapeID = qrand() % 7; } QColor color = colorTable[shapeID]; QList list; //恢复方块组的变换矩阵 setTransform(oldTransform); for (int i = 0; i setPos(-10, -10); list.at(2)->setPos(10, -10); list.at(3)->setPos(30, -10); break; case JShape: currentShape = JShape; list.at(0)->setPos(10, -10); list.at(1)->setPos(10, 10); list.at(2)->setPos(-10, 30); list.at(3)->setPos(10, 30); break; case LShape: currentShape = LShape; list.at(0)->setPos(-10, -10); list.at(1)->setPos(-10, 10); list.at(2)->setPos(-10, 30); list.at(3)->setPos(10, 30); break; case OShape: currentShape = OShape; list.at(0)->setPos(-10, -10); list.at(1)->setPos(10, -10); list.at(2)->setPos(-10, 10); list.at(3)->setPos(10, 10); break; case SShape: currentShape = SShape; list.at(0)->setPos(10, -10); list.at(1)->setPos(30, -10); list.at(2)->setPos(-10, 10); list.at(3)->setPos(10, 10); break; case TShape: currentShape = TShape; list.at(0)->setPos(-10, -10); list.at(1)->setPos(10, -10); list.at(2)->setPos(30, -10); list.at(3)->setPos(10, 10); break; case ZShape: currentShape = ZShape; list.at(0)->setPos(-10, -10); list.at(1)->setPos(10, -10); list.at(2)->setPos(10, 10); list.at(3)->setPos(30, 10); break; default: break; } // 设置位置 setPos(point); // 如果开始就发生碰撞,说明已经结束游戏 if (isColliding()) { stopTimer(); emit gameFinished(); } } // 删除方块组中的所有小方块 void BoxGroup::clearBoxGroup(bool destroyBox) { QList itemList = childItems(); QGraphicsItem* item; foreach (item, itemList) { removeFromGroup(item); if (destroyBox) { OneBox* box = (OneBox*)item; box->deleteLater(); } } } // 向下移动一步 void BoxGroup::moveOneStep() { moveBy(0, 20); if (isColliding()) { moveBy(0, -20); // 将小方块从方块组中移除到场景中 clearBoxGroup(); emit needNewBox(); } } // 开启定时器 void BoxGroup::startTimer(int interval) { timer->start(interval); } // 停止定时器 void BoxGroup::stopTimer() { timer->stop(); }
新建一个 C++ 类,类名为 MyView,基类为 GraphicsView,继承自 QWidget:
更改 myview.h:
#ifndef MYVIEW_H #define MYVIEW_H #include #include class BoxGroup; class MyView : public GraphicsView { private: BoxGroup* boxGroup; BoxGroup* nextBoxGroup; QGraphicsLineItem* topLine; QGraphicsLineItem* bottomLine; QGraphicsLineItem* leftLine; QGraphicsLineItem* rightLine; qreal gameSpeed; QList rows; void initView(); void initGame(); void updateScore(const int fullRowNum = 0); public: explicit MyView(QWidget* parent = 0); public slots: void startGame(); void clearFullRows(); void moveBox(); void gameOver(); }; #endif // MYVIEW_H
更改 myview.cpp:
#include "myview.h" #include #include "mybox.h" // 游戏的初始速度 static const qreal INITSPEED = 500; // 初始化游戏界面 void MyView::initView() { // 使用抗锯齿渲染 setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); // 设置缓存背景,这样可以加快渲染速度 setCacheMode(CacheBackground); setWindowTitle(tr("MyBox方块游戏")); setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/images/icon.png")); setMinimumSize(810, 510); setMaximumSize(810, 510); // 设置场景 QGraphicsScene* scene = new QGraphicsScene; scene->setSceneRect(5, 5, 800, 500); scene->setBackgroundBrush(QPixmap(":/images/background.png")); setScene(scene); // 方块可移动区域的四条边界线 topLine = scene->addLine(197, 47, 403, 47); bottomLine = scene->addLine(197, 453, 403, 453); leftLine = scene->addLine(197, 47, 197, 453); rightLine = scene->addLine(403, 47, 403, 453); // 当前方块组和提示方块组 boxGroup = new BoxGroup; connect(boxGroup, SIGNAL(needNewBox()), this, SLOT(clearFullRows())); connect(boxGroup, SIGNAL(gameFinished()), this, SLOT(gameOver())); scene->addItem(boxGroup); nextBoxGroup = new BoxGroup; scene->addItem(nextBoxGroup); startGame(); } // 初始化游戏 void MyView::initGame() { boxGroup->createBox(QPointF(300, 70)); boxGroup->setFocus(); boxGroup->startTimer(INITSPEED); gameSpeed = INITSPEED; nextBoxGroup->createBox(QPointF(500, 70)); } // 更新分数 void MyView::updateScore(const int fullRowNum) {} MyView::MyView(QWidget* parent) : QGraphicsView(parent) { initView(); } // 开始游戏 void MyView::startGame() { initGame(); } // 清空满行 void MyView::clearFullRows() { // 获取比一行方格较大的矩形中包含的所有小方块 for (int y = 429; y > 50; y -= 20) { QList list = scene()->items(199, y, 202, 22, Qt::ContainsItemShape); // 如果该行已满 if (list.count() == 10) { foreach (QGraphicsItem* item, list) { OneBox* box = (OneBox*)item; box->deleteLater(); } // 保存满行的位置 rows 0) { // 如果有满行,下移满行上面的各行再出现新的方块组 moveBox(); } else // 如果没有满行,则直接出现新的方块组 { boxGroup->createBox(QPointF(300, 70), nextBoxGroup->getCurrentShape()); // 清空并销毁提示方块组中的所有小方块 nextBoxGroup->clearBoxGroup(true); nextBoxGroup->createBox(QPointF(500, 70)); } } // 下移满行上面的所有小方块 void MyView::moveBox() { // 从位置最靠上的满行开始 for (int i = rows.count(); i > 0; i--) { int row = rows.at(i - 1); foreach (QGraphicsItem* item, scene()->items(199, 49, 202, row - 47, Qt::ContainsItemShape)) { item->moveBy(0, 20); } } // 更新分数 updateScore(rows.count()); // 将满行列表清空为 0 rows.clear(); // 等所有行下移以后再出现新的方块组 boxGroup->createBox(QPointF(300, 70), nextBoxGroup->getCurrentShape()); nextBoxGroup->clearBoxGroup(true); nextBoxGroup->createBox(QPointF(500, 70)); } // 游戏结束 void MyView::gameOver() {}
新建 main.cpp,添加代码:
#include #include #include #include "myview.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QTextCodec::setCodecForTr(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()); // 设置随机数的初始值 qsrand(QTime(0, 0, 0).secsTo(QTime::currentTime())); MyView view; view.show(); return app.exec(); }
主要是一些 Qt4 和 Qt5 的差别带来的问题。
踩坑点1:rotate 失效
函数 void BoxGroup::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) 原代码:
void BoxGroup::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Down : moveBy(0, 20); if (isColliding()) { moveBy(0, -20); // 将小方块从方块组中移除到场景中 clearBoxGroup(); // 需要显示新的方块 emit needNewBox(); } break; case Qt::Key_Left : moveBy(-20, 0); if (isColliding()) moveBy(20, 0); break; case Qt::Key_Right : moveBy(20, 0); if (isColliding()) moveBy(-20, 0); break; case Qt::Key_Up : rotate(90); if(isColliding()) rotate(-90); break; // 空格键实现坠落 case Qt::Key_Space : moveBy(0, 20); while (!isColliding()) { moveBy(0, 20); } moveBy(0, -20); clearBoxGroup(); emit needNewBox(); break; } }
其中的 rotate 函数失效。
在 Qt5 中,QGraphicsItem::rotate 已经不再使用,而是使用 setRotation。
void BoxGroup::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { qreal oldRotate; switch (event->key()) { // 下移 case Qt::Key_Down: moveBy(0, 20); if (isColliding()) { moveBy(0, -20); // 将小方块从方块组中移除到场景中 clearBoxGroup(); // 需要显示新的方块 emit needNewBox(); } break; // 左移 case Qt::Key_Left: moveBy(-20, 0); if (isColliding()) moveBy(20, 0); break; // 右移 case Qt::Key_Right: moveBy(20, 0); if (isColliding()) moveBy(-20, 0); break; // 旋转 case Qt::Key_Up: // 在 Qt5 中,QGraphicsItem::rotate 已经不再使用,而是使用 setRotation /* old code */ // rotate(90); // if (isColliding()) // rotate(-90); // break; /* old code */ oldRotate = rotation(); if (oldRotate >= 360) { oldRotate = 0; } setRotation(oldRotate + 90); if (isColliding()) { setRotation(oldRotate - 90); } break; // 空格键实现坠落 case Qt::Key_Space: moveBy(0, 20); while (!isColliding()) { moveBy(0, 20); } moveBy(0, -20); clearBoxGroup(); emit needNewBox(); break; } }
参考博客:Qt及Qt Quick开发实战精解项目二俄罗斯方块 rotate失效方法报错
踩坑点2:items 方法报错
在 void MyView::clearFullRows() 函数里有这样一行代码:
QList list = scene()->items(199, y, 202, 22, Qt::ContainsItemShape);
myview.cpp:75:47: error: no matching member function for call to 'items' qgraphicsscene.h:158:28: note: candidate function not viable: requires at most 4 arguments, but 5 were provided qgraphicsscene.h:159:28: note: candidate function not viable: requires at most 4 arguments, but 5 were provided qgraphicsscene.h:160:28: note: candidate function not viable: requires at most 4 arguments, but 5 were provided qgraphicsscene.h:161:28: note: candidate function not viable: requires at most 4 arguments, but 5 were provided qgraphicsscene.h:175:35: note: candidate function not viable: requires at least 6 arguments, but 5 were provided qgraphicsscene.h:156:28: note: candidate function not viable: allows at most single argument 'order', but 5 arguments were provided
QList list = scene()->items(199, y, 202, 22, Qt::ContainsItemShape, Qt::AscendingOrder);
新增的一项 Qt::AscendingOrder 的意思是对 QList 的内容正序排序。
参考博客:Qt及Qt Quick开发实战精解项目二俄罗斯方块 items方法报错
踩坑点3:setCodecForTr 失效
在 main.cpp 中有这样一行代码:
这行代码主要解决 Qt 中文乱码的问题。
但是在 Qt5 中 setCodecForTr 函数已经失效了,我们改成:
// 解决 Qt 中文乱码问题 QTextCodec* codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"); QTextCodec::setCodecForLocale(codec); QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings(codec); QTextCodec::setCodecForTr(codec);
踩坑点4:不要在中文路径下运行 Qt 项目
踩坑点5:multiple definition of `qMain(int, char**)’
error: multiple definition of `qMain(int, char**)'
这是在 pro 文件中出的问题,频繁的添加以及移除文件,导致 HEADERS 以及 SOURCES 中会重复添加。
这里 main.cpp 重复了,删掉一个即可。
在 myview.cpp 中添加头文件:
#include #include #include
修改 clearFullRows() 函数:
void MyView::clearFullRows() { // 获取比一行方格较大的矩形中包含的所有小方块 for (int y = 429; y > 50; y -= 20) { // QList list = scene()->items(199, y, 202, 22, Qt::ContainsItemShape); QList list = scene()->items(199, y, 202, 22, Qt::ContainsItemShape, Qt::AscendingOrder); // 如果该行已满 if (list.count() == 10) { foreach (QGraphicsItem* item, list) { OneBox* box = (OneBox*)item; // box->deleteLater(); QGraphicsBlurEffect* blurEffect = new QGraphicsBlurEffect; box->setGraphicsEffect(blurEffect); QPropertyAnimation* animation = new QPropertyAnimation(box, "scale"); animation->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::OutBounce); animation->setDuration(250); animation->setStartValue(4); animation->setEndValue(0.25); animation->start(QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped); connect(animation, SIGNAL(finished()), box, SLOT(deleteLater())); } // 保存满行的位置 rows 0) { // moveBox(); QTimer::singleShot(400, this, SLOT(moveBox())); } else // 如果没有满行,则直接出现新的方块组 { boxGroup->createBox(QPointF(300, 70), nextBoxGroup->getCurrentShape()); // 清空并销毁提示方块组中的所有小方块 nextBoxGroup->clearBoxGroup(true); nextBoxGroup->createBox(QPointF(500, 70)); } }
在 myview.h 的 private 中添加两个变量:
QGraphicsTextItem* gameScoreText; QGraphicsTextItem* gameLevelText;
在myview.cpp 的 initView() 函数中调用 startGame() 槽前添加代码:
// 得分文本 gameScoreText = new QGraphicsTextItem(0, scene); gameScoreText->setFont(QFont("Times", 20, QFont::Bold)); gameScoreText->setPos(650, 350); // 级别文本 gameLevelText = new QGraphicsTextItem(0, scene); gameLevelText->setFont(QFont("Times", 30, QFont::Bold)); gameLevelText->setPos(20, 150);
// 得分文本 gameScoreText = new QGraphicsTextItem(); gameScoreText->setFont(QFont("Times", 20, QFont::Bold)); gameScoreText->setPos(650, 350); // 级别文本 gameLevelText = new QGraphicsTextItem(); gameLevelText->setFont(QFont("Times", 30, QFont::Bold)); gameLevelText->setPos(20, 150); scene->addItem(gameLevelText); scene->addItem(gameScoreText);
再到initGame() 中添加代码:
scene()->setBackgroundBrush(QPixmap(":/images/background01.png")); gameScoreText->setHtml(tr("0")); gameLevelText->setHtml(tr("第
幕"));最后到 updateScore() 函数中添加代码:
// 更新分数 void MyView::updateScore(const int fullRowNum) { int score = fullRowNum * 100; int currentScore = gameScoreText->toPlainText().toInt(); currentScore += score; // 显示当前分数 gameScoreText->setHtml(tr("%1").arg(currentScore)); // 判断级别 if (currentScore setHtml(tr("第
幕")); scene()->setBackgroundBrush(QPixmap(":/images/background02.png")); gameSpeed = 300; boxGroup->stopTimer(); boxGroup->startTimer(gameSpeed); } else { // 添加下一个级别的设置 } }测试:
在 myview.h 添加私有槽:
void restartGame(); void finishGame(); void pauseGame(); void returnGame();
在 myview.h 添加私有变量:
QGraphicsWidget *maskWidget; // 遮罩面板 // 各种按钮 QGraphicsWidget *startButton; QGraphicsWidget *finishButton; QGraphicsWidget *restartButton; QGraphicsWidget *pauseButton; QGraphicsWidget *optionButton; QGraphicsWidget *returnButton; QGraphicsWidget *helpButton; QGraphicsWidget *exitButton; QGraphicsWidget *showMenuButton; // 各种文本 QGraphicsTextItem *gameWelcomeText; QGraphicsTextItem *gamePausedText; QGraphicsTextItem *gameOverText;
在 myview.cpp 添加头文件:
#include #include #include #include #include
在 initGame() 函数中,删除代码:
/*****************下面是2-4中添加的代码,部分代码在书中省略了*************/ // 设置初始为隐藏状态 topLine->hide(); bottomLine->hide(); leftLine->hide(); rightLine->hide(); gameScoreText->hide(); gameLevelText->hide(); // 黑色遮罩 QWidget *mask = new QWidget; mask->setAutoFillBackground(true); mask->setPalette(QPalette(QColor(0, 0, 0, 80))); mask->resize(900, 600); maskWidget = scene->addWidget(mask); maskWidget->setPos(-50, -50); // 设置其Z值为1,这样可以处于Z值为0的图形项上面 maskWidget->setZValue(1); // 选项面板 QWidget *option = new QWidget; QPushButton *optionCloseButton = new QPushButton(tr("关 闭"), option); QPalette palette; palette.setColor(QPalette::ButtonText, Qt::black); optionCloseButton->setPalette(palette); optionCloseButton->move(120, 300); connect(optionCloseButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), option, SLOT(hide())); option->setAutoFillBackground(true); option->setPalette(QPalette(QColor(0, 0, 0, 180))); option->resize(300, 400); QGraphicsWidget *optionWidget = scene->addWidget(option); optionWidget->setPos(250, 50); optionWidget->setZValue(3); optionWidget->hide(); // 帮助面板 QWidget *help = new QWidget; QPushButton *helpCloseButton = new QPushButton(tr("关 闭"), help); helpCloseButton->setPalette(palette); helpCloseButton->move(120, 300); connect(helpCloseButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), help, SLOT(hide())); help->setAutoFillBackground(true); help->setPalette(QPalette(QColor(0, 0, 0, 180))); help->resize(300, 400); QGraphicsWidget *helpWidget = scene->addWidget(help); helpWidget->setPos(250, 50); helpWidget->setZValue(3); helpWidget->hide(); QLabel *helpLabel = new QLabel(help); helpLabel->setText(tr("
yafeilinux作品" "
")); helpLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); helpLabel->move(30, 150); // 游戏欢迎文本 gameWelcomeText = new QGraphicsTextItem(0, scene); gameWelcomeText->setHtml(tr("MyBox方块游戏")); gameWelcomeText->setFont(QFont("Times", 30, QFont::Bold)); gameWelcomeText->setPos(250, 100); gameWelcomeText->setZValue(2); // 游戏暂停文本 gamePausedText = new QGraphicsTextItem(0, scene); gamePausedText->setHtml(tr("游戏暂停中!")); gamePausedText->setFont(QFont("Times", 30, QFont::Bold)); gamePausedText->setPos(300, 100); gamePausedText->setZValue(2); gamePausedText->hide(); // 游戏结束文本 gameOverText = new QGraphicsTextItem(0, scene); gameOverText->setHtml(tr("游戏结束!")); gameOverText->setFont(QFont("Times", 30, QFont::Bold)); gameOverText->setPos(320, 100); gameOverText->setZValue(2); gameOverText->hide(); // 游戏中使用的按钮 QPushButton *button1 = new QPushButton(tr("开 始")); QPushButton *button2 = new QPushButton(tr("选 项")); QPushButton *button3 = new QPushButton(tr("帮 助")); QPushButton *button4 = new QPushButton(tr("退 出")); QPushButton *button5 = new QPushButton(tr("重新开始")); QPushButton *button6 = new QPushButton(tr("暂 停")); QPushButton *button7 = new QPushButton(tr("主 菜 单")); QPushButton *button8 = new QPushButton(tr("返回游戏")); QPushButton *button9 = new QPushButton(tr("结束游戏")); connect(button1, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startGame())); connect(button2, SIGNAL(clicked()), option, SLOT(show())); connect(button3, SIGNAL(clicked()), help, SLOT(show())); connect(button4, SIGNAL(clicked()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); connect(button5, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(restartGame())); connect(button6, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(pauseGame())); connect(button7, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(finishGame())); connect(button8, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(returnGame())); connect(button9, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(finishGame())); startButton = scene->addWidget(button1); optionButton = scene->addWidget(button2); helpButton = scene->addWidget(button3); exitButton = scene->addWidget(button4); restartButton = scene->addWidget(button5); pauseButton = scene->addWidget(button6); showMenuButton = scene->addWidget(button7); returnButton = scene->addWidget(button8); finishButton = scene->addWidget(button9); startButton->setPos(370, 200); optionButton->setPos(370, 250); helpButton->setPos(370, 300); exitButton->setPos(370, 350); restartButton->setPos(600, 150); pauseButton->setPos(600, 200); showMenuButton->setPos(600, 250); returnButton->setPos(370, 200); finishButton->setPos(370, 250); startButton->setZValue(2); optionButton->setZValue(2); helpButton->setZValue(2); exitButton->setZValue(2); restartButton->setZValue(2); returnButton->setZValue(2); finishButton->setZValue(2); restartButton->hide(); finishButton->hide(); pauseButton->hide(); showMenuButton->hide(); returnButton->hide(); /*****************上面是2-4中添加的代码,部分代码在书中省略了*************/
www.yafeilinux.com在 startGame() 中调用 initGame() 函数前添加代码:
gameWelcomeText->hide(); startButton->hide(); optionButton->hide(); helpButton->hide(); exitButton->hide(); maskWidget->hide();
在 initGame() 函数的最后添加代码:
restartButton->show(); pauseButton->show(); showMenuButton->show(); gameScoreText->show(); gameLevelText->show(); topLine->show(); bottomLine->show(); leftLine->show(); rightLine->show(); // 可能以前返回主菜单时隐藏了boxGroup boxGroup->show();
修改 gameOver() 槽:
// 游戏结束 void MyView::gameOver() { pauseButton->hide(); showMenuButton->hide(); maskWidget->show(); gameOverText->show(); restartButton->setPos(370, 200); finishButton->show(); }
// 重新开始游戏 void MyView::restartGame() { maskWidget->hide(); gameOverText->hide(); finishButton->hide(); restartButton->setPos(600, 150); // 销毁提示方块组和当前方块移动区域中的所有小方块 nextBoxGroup->clearBoxGroup(true); boxGroup->clearBoxGroup(); boxGroup->hide(); foreach (QGraphicsItem* item, scene()->items(199, 49, 202, 402, Qt::ContainsItemShape, Qt::AscendingOrder)) { // 先从场景中移除小方块,因为使用deleteLater()是在返回主事件循环后才销毁 // 小方块的,为了在出现新的方块组时不发生碰撞,所以需要先从场景中移除小方块 scene()->removeItem(item); OneBox* box = (OneBox*)item; box->deleteLater(); } initGame(); } // 结束当前游戏 void MyView::finishGame() { gameOverText->hide(); finishButton->hide(); restartButton->setPos(600, 150); restartButton->hide(); pauseButton->hide(); showMenuButton->hide(); gameScoreText->hide(); gameLevelText->hide(); topLine->hide(); bottomLine->hide(); leftLine->hide(); rightLine->hide(); nextBoxGroup->clearBoxGroup(true); boxGroup->clearBoxGroup(); boxGroup->hide(); foreach (QGraphicsItem* item, scene()->items(199, 49, 202, 402, Qt::ContainsItemShape)) { OneBox* box = (OneBox*)item; box->deleteLater(); } // 可能是在进行游戏时按下“主菜单”按钮 maskWidget->show(); gameWelcomeText->show(); startButton->show(); optionButton->show(); helpButton->show(); exitButton->show(); scene()->setBackgroundBrush(QPixmap(":/images/background.png")); } // 暂停游戏 void MyView::pauseGame() { boxGroup->stopTimer(); restartButton->hide(); pauseButton->hide(); showMenuButton->hide(); maskWidget->show(); gamePausedText->show(); returnButton->show(); } // 返回游戏,处于暂停状态时 void MyView::returnGame() { returnButton->hide(); gamePausedText->hide(); maskWidget->hide(); restartButton->show(); pauseButton->show(); showMenuButton->show(); boxGroup->startTimer(gameSpeed); }
踩坑点1:error: no matching function for call to ‘QGraphicsTextItem::QGraphicsTextItem(int, QGraphicsScene*&)’
error: no matching function for call to 'QGraphicsTextItem::QGraphicsTextItem(int, QGraphicsScene*&)' gameWelcomeText = new QGraphicsTextItem(0, scene);
// 游戏欢迎文本 gameWelcomeText = new QGraphicsTextItem(0, scene); gameWelcomeText->setHtml(tr("MyBox方块游戏")); gameWelcomeText->setFont(QFont("Times", 30, QFont::Bold)); gameWelcomeText->setPos(250, 100); gameWelcomeText->setZValue(2); // 游戏暂停文本 gamePausedText = new QGraphicsTextItem(0, scene); gamePausedText->setHtml(tr("游戏暂停中!")); gamePausedText->setFont(QFont("Times", 30, QFont::Bold)); gamePausedText->setPos(300, 100); gamePausedText->setZValue(2); gamePausedText->hide(); // 游戏结束文本 gameOverText = new QGraphicsTextItem(0, scene); gameOverText->setHtml(tr("游戏结束!")); gameOverText->setFont(QFont("Times", 30, QFont::Bold)); gameOverText->setPos(320, 100); gameOverText->setZValue(2); gameOverText->hide();
// 游戏欢迎文本 gameWelcomeText = new QGraphicsTextItem(); gameWelcomeText->setHtml(tr("MyBox方块游戏")); gameWelcomeText->setFont(QFont("Times", 30, QFont::Bold)); gameWelcomeText->setPos(250, 100); gameWelcomeText->setZValue(2); // 游戏暂停文本 gamePausedText = new QGraphicsTextItem(); gamePausedText->setHtml(tr("游戏暂停中!")); gamePausedText->setFont(QFont("Times", 30, QFont::Bold)); gamePausedText->setPos(300, 100); gamePausedText->setZValue(2); gamePausedText->hide(); // 游戏结束文本 gameOverText = new QGraphicsTextItem(); gameOverText->setHtml(tr("游戏结束!")); gameOverText->setFont(QFont("Times", 30, QFont::Bold)); gameOverText->setPos(320, 100); gameOverText->setZValue(2); gameOverText->hide(); scene->addItem(gameWelcomeText); scene->addItem(gamePausedText); scene->addItem(gameOverText);
myview.h 新增代码:
protected: void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event);
然后到 myview.cpp 添加定义:
// 如果正在进行游戏,当键盘按下时总是方块组获得焦点 void MyView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { if (pauseButton->isVisible()) boxGroup->setFocus(); else boxGroup->clearFocus(); QGraphicsView::keyPressEvent(event); }
踩坑点2:error: no matching function for call to ‘QGraphicsScene::items(int, int, int, int, Qt::ItemSelectionMode)’
error: no matching function for call to 'QGraphicsScene::items(int, int, int, int, Qt::ItemSelectionMode)' foreach (QGraphicsItem* item, scene()->items(199, 49, 202, 402, Qt::ContainsItemShape))
原因与之前的踩坑点2:items 方法报错相同。
foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, scene()->items(199, 49, 202, 402, Qt::ContainsItemShape)) { OneBox *box = (OneBox *)item; box->deleteLater(); }
foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, scene()->items(199, 49, 202, 402, Qt::ContainsItemShape, Qt::AscendingOrder)) { OneBox *box = (OneBox *)item; box->deleteLater(); }
在 myGame.pro 添加代码:
QT += phonon
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: phonon
因为 Qt5 不支持 phonon,所以此部分省略。
安装 Qt 4.8.6:Qt 4.8.6 的下载与安装
注:实测发现,不用安装 Qt Creator 3.3.0 也能在原来的 Qt Creator 上编写项目,只需要改一下构建。
在 myview.h 添加头文件:
void aboutToFinish();
// 音乐部件 Phonon::MediaObject *backgroundMusic; Phonon::MediaObject *clearRowSound;
在 myview.cpp 添加代码:
// 声音文件路径 static const QString SOUNDPATH = "../myGame/sounds/";
然后到 initView() 函数最后添加代码:
// 设置声音 backgroundMusic = new Phonon::MediaObject(this); clearRowSound = new Phonon::MediaObject(this); Phonon::AudioOutput *audio1 = new Phonon::AudioOutput(Phonon::MusicCategory, this); Phonon::AudioOutput *audio2 = new Phonon::AudioOutput(Phonon::MusicCategory, this); Phonon::createPath(backgroundMusic, audio1); Phonon::createPath(clearRowSound, audio2); // 设置音量控制部件,它们显示在选项面板上 Phonon::VolumeSlider *volume1 = new Phonon::VolumeSlider(audio1, option); Phonon::VolumeSlider *volume2 = new Phonon::VolumeSlider(audio2, option); QLabel *volumeLabel1 = new QLabel(tr("音乐:"), option); QLabel *volumeLabel2 = new QLabel(tr("音效:"), option); volume1->move(100, 100); volume2->move(100, 200); volumeLabel1->move(60, 105); volumeLabel2->move(60, 205); connect(backgroundMusic, SIGNAL(aboutToFinish()), this, SLOT(aboutToFinish())); // 因为播放完毕后会进入暂停状态,再调用play()将无法进行播放,需要在播放完毕后使其进入停止状态 connect(clearRowSound, SIGNAL(finished()), clearRowSound, SLOT(stop())); backgroundMusic->setCurrentSource(Phonon::MediaSource(SOUNDPATH + "background.mp3")); clearRowSound->setCurrentSource(Phonon::MediaSource(SOUNDPATH + "clearRow.mp3")); backgroundMusic->play();
在 initGame() 函数的最后添加代码:
backgroundMusic->setCurrentSource(Phonon::MediaSource(SOUNDPATH + "background01.mp3")); backgroundMusic->play();
在 finishGame() 函数的最后添加代码:
backgroundMusic->setCurrentSource(Phonon::MediaSource(SOUNDPATH + "background.mp3")); backgroundMusic->play();
修改 updateScore() 函数:
// 更新分数 void MyView::updateScore(const int fullRowNum) { int score = fullRowNum * 100; int currentScore = gameScoreText->toPlainText().toInt(); currentScore += score; // 显示当前分数 gameScoreText->setHtml(tr("%1").arg(currentScore)); // 判断级别 if (currentScore setHtml(tr("第
幕")); scene()->setBackgroundBrush(QPixmap(":/images/background02.png")); gameSpeed = 300; boxGroup->stopTimer(); boxGroup->startTimer(gameSpeed); if (QFileInfo(backgroundMusic->currentSource().fileName()).baseName() != "background02") { backgroundMusic->setCurrentSource(Phonon::MediaSource(SOUNDPATH + "background02.mp3")); backgroundMusic->play(); } } else { // 添加下一个级别的设置 } }添加 aboutToFinish() 槽定义:
// 背景音乐将要播放完毕时继续重新播放 void MyView::aboutToFinish() { backgroundMusic->enqueue(backgroundMusic->currentSource()); }
在 main.cpp 中添加头文件:
在主函数创建 view 对象前添加代码:
QPixmap pix(":/images/logo.png"); QSplashScreen splash(pix); splash.resize(pix.size()); splash.show(); app.processEvents();
在调用 show() 函数后添加代码:
CSDN:Qt 项目:俄罗斯方块.zip